The Best CBD Seeds in 2024

An exclusive guide of the 12 best CBD seeds in 2024. Discover the world of CBD strains, along with cultivation tips, therapeutic properties, and where to find CBD seeds for sale.

The Best CBD Seeds Cover Photo FinalSometimes, you just don’t want to get high.

Over the last decade, cannabis has shown the world its versatility. From recreational fun to medical relief, cannabis is a Jack-of-all-trades for a wide range of individuals. The psychoactive nature of THC lures millions of enthusiasts year-round to indulge in marijuana products. Alternatively, THC is also the primary reason why cannabis is still illegal in much of the world.

Recently, however, the spotlight has turned to a lesser-known cannabinoid — cannabidiol. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound that’s traditionally found in low quantities in cannabis flowers. Current and ongoing research points to CBD as the element within cannabis that provides far-reaching medical effects.

Now, cannabis breeders worldwide focus on high CBD seeds. High CBD seeds are the ideal choice for anyone that wants to experience the therapeutic effects of cannabis. Furthermore, CBD-dominant strains also decrease the barrier-to-entry to individuals who don’t wish to experience THC’s buzz.

Regardless of your reason, high-CBD seeds are all you need to begin your journey into the therapeutic world of cannabidiol. Read along to learn about the best CBD seeds in 2024, as well as strain profiles, grow tips, and where to find high-CBD seeds for sale.

How to Choose the Best CBD Seeds in 2024

As you search for high-CBD seeds online, you’ll come across thousands of strains that offer benefits A through Z. The truth is, genuine CBD seeds are not a dime-a-dozen, but instead, rare and challenging to find.

If you’re on the hunt for the best CBD seeds on the market, take a look at the criteria that we’ve compiled to make sure you find exactly what you’re looking for.


As you browse a CBD seed catalog, we recommend you immediately look for the CBD/THC ratio.

The CBD/THC ratio will immediately inform you if the seeds are low in THC and high in CBD — or vice versa. The last thing you want to do is grow a 1:1 THC/CBD strain when you didn’t want to get high at all.

Therapeutic Properties

One of the best ways to search for the best CBD seeds is to look at its therapeutic effects.

Remember — not all CBD strains are created equal. Some CBD-dominant strains work best against seizures, whereas others are ideal for pushing away depressive thoughts. Regardless, you must understand the effects of the CBD seeds before you choose.

Grow Difficulty

If you’re a new cannabis grower and choose a difficult to grow strain — you’re in for a bumpy ride.

Each CBD strain has a specific difficulty rating, and it’s best to choose a strain that fits your cultivation experience.

Terpene Profile

Terpenes are essential oils within trichomes and determine the overall aroma and flavor of a cannabis flower. If you’re partial to a specific smell or taste, you must look at the dominant-terpenes in your choice’s CBD seeds.

Uniqueness and Personal Preference

Overall, your personal preference will determine which CBD seeds you buy. However, you must take the rest of the criteria into mind before buying CBD seeds.

Value for Money and Effort

Only you can determine something’s value. In this case, you must determine if a CBD strain is worth your time and money.

The 12 Best CBD Seeds in 2024

At 10Buds, we live and breathe cannabis. We’ve been lucky enough to experience nearly everything that the cannabis industry has to offer. As they say — with knowledge comes great responsibility.

CBD represents a paradigm shift in the world of cannabis. With this in mind, it’s our pleasure to remove the guesswork and present the 12 best CBD seeds in 2024.

If you’re ready to find out which CBD seeds make the cut — read along.

#12 CBD Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies may have kicked off the dessert strain craze, but feminized CBD Girl Scout Cookies is the cherry-on-top. If you need a versatile 1:1 THC/CBD strain — look no further than CBD Girl Scout Cookies seeds.

Whether you’re a new cultivator or a commercial grower, CBD Girl Scout Cookies is incredibly easy to grow.

As CBD Girl Scout Cookies begin to pack on the weight, you’ll notice an extreme resin coverage layer. Although the CBD strain used in the cross is relatively unknown, all of GSC’s unique characteristics shine in CBD Girl Scout Cookies seeds.

Overall, CBD Girl Scout Cookies produces incredibly balanced effects thanks to its 1:1 THC/CBD ratio. The psychoactive effects are mild, and the therapeutic properties are long-lasting — day or night.

CBD Girl Scout Cookies
CBD Girl Scout Cookies Seeds
Up to 10% THC and 10% CBD
Mostly Indica
Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Stress
8-9 Weeks
500g Indoors, 500g Outdoors
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time

#11 CBD Strawberry Kush

CBD Strawberry Kush is one of the best high-CBD strains we know of.

Not only are CBD Strawberry Kush seeds easy to grow, but the flowers are potent and delicious. Cultivators of all skill levels must have a pack of CBD Strawberry Kush seeds on hand when they are ready to experience the magnificence of cannabidiol.

As you indulge in CBD Strawberry Kush weed, tantalizing aromas and flavors of candied fruit, dank sourness, and hashish-like spice mesmerize the senses. Aside from the mouth-watering terpene profile, CBD Strawberry Kush is almost entirely void of THC.

If you don’t want CBD seeds with noticeable amounts of THC — CBD Strawberry Kush is for you. Ultimately, CBD Strawberry Kush is filled with therapeutic effects. When you need to unwind after work or need help falling asleep — CBD Strawberry Kush’s indica-dominant effects will lend you a hand.

CBD Strawberry Kush
CBD Strawberry Kush Seeds
Easy to Moderate
0.5% THC and 9% CBD
Mostly Indica
Depression, Chronic Pain, Seizures
8-10 Weeks
500g Indoors, 500g Outdoors
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time

#10 CBD Critical Mass

Critical Mass is a well-kept secret among commercial cultivators for its massive yield potential. However, the addition of a pure CBD strain into the genetic pool created a therapeutic masterpiece — CBD Critical Mass seeds.

CBD Critical Mass is hailed as a 1:1 THC/CBD strain that anyone can grow. Furthermore, CBD Critical Mass is low in THC, making it perfect for anyone who doesn’t want to experience a psychoactive buzz.

Instead, CBD Critical Mass produces soothing effects that relax the body and mind. However, you can still accomplish any task while experiencing the tranquil effects of CBD Critical Mass.

Aside from the beneficial effects, cultivators enjoy a mind-blowing yield of gorgeous CBD Critical Mass flowers. If you’re ready to stack on your medicine jars’ weight, look no further than CBD Critical Mass seeds.

CBD Critical Mass
CBD Critical Mass Seeds
6-9% THC and 6-9% CBD
Indica-Dominant Hybrid
Migraines, Arthritis, Insomnia
8 Weeks
600g Indoors, 750g Outdoors
Feminized, Autoflower
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time

#9 CBD OG Kush

As you browse CBD seed catalogs, you’ll come across hundreds of new and un-tested hybrids. If you want a guaranteed winner — look no further than CBD OG Kush.

OG Kush is a time-tested high-THC strain. However, the addition of a high-CBD cultivar turned OG Kush into a completely new beast. At 10% THC and CBD, CBD OG Kush isn’t a strain to miss. Of course, there are strains with a higher CBD content; however, CBD OG Kush qualities are too good to pass up.

As you grow CBD OG Kush seeds, you’ll quickly realize that you won’t have to do much to get a substantial yield. As long as you feed CBD OG Kush with ample nutrients — she’ll do the rest.

You’ll count the seconds until your next dose from CBD OG Kush’s whirlwind of terpenes and euphoric effects. If you want one of the best CBD seeds for growing — you must try CBD OG Kush.

CBD OG Kush Seeds
Easy to Moderate
1% THC and up to 15% CBD
Mostly Indica
Depression, Migraines, Insomnia
8 Weeks
500g Indoors, 450g Outdoors
Feminized, Autoflower
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time

#8 CBD Carmagnola

If you need a CBD strain low in THC but high in CBD, CBD Carmagnola is your best bet.

Originally an Italian commercial hemp strain, CBD Carmagnola is a favorite among medical marijuana patients and CBD manufacturers. The beauty of CBD Carmagnola lies in the fact that it produces less than 0.3% THC. Instead of THC, the CBD Carmagnola strain has one of the highest CBD concentrations on this list.

Overall, growing CBD Carmagnola is a breeze, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the final harvest. Due to its height, we recommend growing CBD Carmagnola outdoors instead of indoors.

In as little as 7-weeks, you’ll indulge in the delicate citrus zest that CBD Carmagnola provides with each puff. CBD Carmagnola produces a focused and relaxed sensation — all without the buzz of THC.

If you’re ready to indulge in an Italian treat, look no further than CBD Carmagnola seeds.

CBD Carmagnola
CBD Carmagnola Seeds
0.3% THC and 9% CBD
Mostly Indica
Muscle Spasms, Anxiety, Nausea
9-10 Weeks
400g Indoors, 600g Outdoors
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time

#7 CBD Blueberry

If you’re like us, you enjoy Blueberry in the morning, afternoon, and night.

Now, Blueberry’s mind-blowing effects are paired with the therapeutic effects of CBD. CBD Blueberry is a must-have low-THC/high-CBD strain that’s a delight to grow.

All Blueberry’s indica-dominant traits remain, such as lavish flower production, blueberry-like terpenes, and body-numbing effects. Once you indulge in CBD Blueberry flowers, you’ll enter a world full of peaceful thoughts.

Due to the low levels of THC, the effects are not psychoactive. Instead, CBD Blueberry provides long-lasting relief that’ll push away any amount of stress in an instant.

We recommend growing CBD Blueberry seeds indoors or outdoors. As long as you give each plant enough space, you’ll find medium-sized plants that generate ounces of medical-grade bud.

CBD Blueberry
CBD Blueberry Seeds
Easy to Moderate
1% THC and 16% CBD
Mostly Indica
Anxiety, Depression, Pain
450g Indoors, 450g Outdoors
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time

#6 CBD Candyland

Remember when you were little, and the only medicine you could stomach was sugar-coated gummies?

Well, CBD Candyland provides adults an alternative to side-effect riddled pharmaceuticals. The best part of CBD Candyland is its candy-like sweetness and soothing effects that anyone can get behind.

Furthermore, CBD Candyland is a strain that has high levels of CBD, which makes it your go-to variety when it’s time to fill the medicine cabinet.

CBD Candyland is a decadent strain so that you can expect equal amounts of CBD and THC. As you indulge in CBD Candyland weed, prepare to experience attentiveness, happiness, and relaxation like never before.

CBD Candyland is suitable for beginners and professionals alike. We believe that CBD Candyland produces some of the best flowers in the CBD strain realm, so we recommend growing your CBD Candyland seeds indoors or in a greenhouse.

CBD Candyland
CBD Candyland Seeds
7% THC and 7% CBD
Mostly Sativa
Depression, Fatigue, Stress
8-10 Weeks
500g Indoors, 1,000g Outdoors
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time

#5 CBD Black Domina

If you want to dominate a mental or physical issue, look no further than CBD Black Domina.

The CBD Black Domina strain has what it takes to nip any problem in the bud thanks to its high THC and CBD levels. It’s not every day that you’ll come across something as effective as CBD Black Domina — yet here it is.

CBD Black Domina is a beginner-friendly strain, and you’ll be shocked by the purple and black hues that occur near harvest time. The medium-sized plants of CBD Black Domina are ideal for both indoor and outdoor growth.

CBD Black Domina produces a cluster of growth, so you must prune the plant to ensure the main bud sites receive ample light. Furthermore, CBD Black Domina enjoys a standard dose of nutrients, so don’t be shy.

The chunky and resin-drenched flowers of CBD Black Domina are photo-worthy. Furthermore, CBD Black Domina yields like a champ, and you won’t need to resupply for months on end.

CBD Black Domina
CBD Black Domina Seeds
10% THC and 10% CBD
Indica-Dominant Hybrid
Depression, Fatigue, Stress
8-9 Weeks
600g Indoors, 400g Outdoors
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time

#4 Cannatonic

Cannatonic is one of the best CBD strains of all time. Although it ranks #4 on our CBD seed list, you can bet that Cannatonic brings the relief for hours on end.

Cannatonic is an absolute boss with its 1:1 CBD/THC ratio. However, some phenotypes express a 1:2 ratio, which means double the fun.

We chose Cannatonic for its ultra-mellow vibes that’ll put anyone on cruise control. Day or night, Cannatonic is one of those CBD strains that you’ll always reach for.

However, due to the overwhelmingly positive benefits of Cannatonic weed, you may have trouble once it’s time to buy Cannatonic’s high CBD seeds.

Although Cannatonic isn’t easy to grow, it’s well worth your time, money, and effort.

Cannatonic Feminized Cannabis Seeds
7% THC and 7-14% CBD
Depression, Chronic Pain, Seizures
8-9 Weeks
500g Indoors, 400g Outdoors
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time

#3 Charlotte’s Web

If you want to grow a piece of CBD history, look no further than Charlotte’s Web seeds.

Charlotte’s Web seeds contain ultra-high CBD and low levels of THC. Charlotte’s Web is the perfect strain to counteract seizures, depression, and ADHD. Overall, Charlotte’s Web deserves fame, as it presents a multitude of positive and beneficial effects.

Charlotte’s Web is a must-have CBD strain, and we always keep a few handy in the garden. Charlotte’s Web seeds are a must buy if you’re searching for one of the best CBD seeds around. However, Charlotte’s Web’s growing difficulty is easy to moderate. If you’re patient and willing to learn new cultivation techniques, Charlotte’s Web will reward you with a bountiful harvest of large CBD-filled buds.

As you indulge in the pine-citrus-sandalwood aroma and flavor, your body will immediately feel at ease. Don’t worry, due to the low THC content in Charlotte’s Web weed, and you won’t have to worry about a psychoactive high.

Charlotte’s Web is one of the best CBD strains that money can buy when relaxation is a priority.

Charlotte’s Web
Charlottes Web Feminized Seeds
0.5% THC and 19% CBD
Sativa-Dominant Hybrid
Seizures, Chronic Pain, Depression
9-10 Weeks
450g Indoors, 500g Outdoors
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time


In a nutshell, ACDC is the strain that we always point people to when they ask what strain has the highest CBD.

ACDC is by far one of the highest CBD strains on our best CBD seeds list. Furthermore, ACDC contains less than 1% THC, which makes it incredibly low in THC.

As you consume ACDC, an overwhelming sensation of relaxation, euphoria, and bliss will roll across your body and mind. However, none of these are psychoactive in any way. Instead, ACDC allows you to remain focused and relaxed simultaneously.

The best part about ACDC? It’s easy to grow. With so many beneficial qualities and traits, ACDC seeds are one of the best CBD seeds available. However, due to increased demand, you may find it challenging to find ACDC seeds for sale.

If you’re lucky enough to get a hold of ACDC seeds, get ready for massive yields, sky-high CBD content, and manageable plants.

ACDC Feminized Seeds
1% THC and 18% CBD
Mostly Sativa
Fatigue, Seizures, Anxiety
8-10 Weeks
650g Indoors, 500g Outdoors
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time

#1 Harlequin

Harlequin is a secret weapon among medical marijuana patients worldwide.

It’s ours too.

If you want to grow one of the most sought-after CBD seeds available, you must first find a vendor that lists Harlequin seeds for sale. Believe us when we say it won’t be easy.

If you’re part of the lucky few, your Harlequin seeds will showcase everything that growers love about cultivating cannabis. First, Harlequin grows tall and proud, along with sturdy branches to support the inbound yield.

Next, Harlequin plants unload a massive amount of flowers, which means you won’t need to visit the doctor any time soon.

The terpene profile of Harlequin is sweet, peppery, and filled with pine-like nuances. After a few drags, you’ll experience happiness, calm, and an abundance of focus. Overall, Harlequin is perfect — day or night.

Once you buy and grow Harlequin, you’ll understand why we ranked it as the best CBD seed available.

Harlequin Feminized CBD Seeds
7% THC and 10% CBD
Mostly Sativa
Depression, Anxiety, insomnia
9 Weeks
400g Indoors, 400g Outdoors
Grow Difficulty
Strain Type
Assists With
Flowering Time


Now that you went through our best CBD seeds list, which is right for you?

These CBD strains present a myriad of terpenes, effects, growth characteristics, and therapeutic effects. For some, an even THC/CBD ratio is optimal. However, others may prefer low THC and high CBD to avoid the psychoactive effects of THC.

Now that you have in-depth information about each CBD strain, you can make an informed decision on your needs.

Category Pages:

If you have come this far, you are probably still looking for your favorite seeds…
Fortunately, we have reviewed dozens of other varieties of cannabis seeds of different types that can significantly suit your needs!

Best Places to Buy Marijuana Seeds Online in 2024

Reputation 9.5/10
Seeds 10/10
Service 9.5/10
Website 10/10
Payment 9/10
Shipping 10/10
Overall 9.5/10

Reputation 9.5/10
Seeds 10/10
Service 9.5/10
Website 10/10
Payment 10/10
Shipping 8/10
Overall 9.5/10

Reputation 9.5/10
Seeds 9.5/10
Service 9/10
Website 9/10
Payment 8/10
Shipping 10/10
Overall 9/10

Reputation 9.5/10
Seeds 9/10
Service 8.5/10
Website 9/10
Payment 9.5/10
Shipping 10/10
Overall 9/10

Reputation 10/10
Seeds 10/10
Service 9/10
Website 8/10
Payment 7/10
Shipping 6/10
Overall 8.5/10

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1 year ago

“Charlotte’s Web is, however, moderately difficult to grow.”
How ever in the Charlotte’s Web main “card” it’s claimed to be EASY. So which one is it!?