About Us

I’m Guy Sherman, and I started 10Buds.com (Originally The-Junky-G.com) because, quite simply, I was tired of buying subquality products from shady online sites. We all wished that there was a way to know what you were getting into before you bought from one of these retailers, so I decided to create one myself! Now we are one of the top reviewers of marijuana seed banks, weed strains, accessories, and equipment on the internet. This all started from the simple idea that you should be able to read reviews of online marijuana shops, just like you could for just about any other shop you might be interested in purchasing products from.

We are a group of marijuana enthusiasts who started this website out of a passion for marijuana and a desire to share the information we’ve gathered over the years with any of our readers with similar interests! We began as a group of friends and over time our blog started attracting the attention of various other enthusiasts until we had assembled a ragtag team of experts on nearly all aspects of marijuana, from growing to buying to enjoying in a variety of ways. It is this team of experts who write all the reviews on this site of seed banks, strains, equipment, and everything else so that our readers know what they’re getting before they decide to buy it. We do our best to provide you with our honest, unbiased opinions, because your trust is important to us.

Cannabis Plants

We are not some group of stuffy corporate suits writing about things they know nothing about. We’re really just like you! We lead normal lives, have jobs, friends, and families, and also happen to enjoy marijuana and want to share that enjoyment with our readers. We run this blog not to sell you anything, but just because of our simple passion for the subject matter and our desire to let you guys know about the best companies, deals, equipment, and strains available out there!

We are all so proud that this blog has grown so much and is now reaching more readers than ever before. It warms our hearts to be able to get out there, do the footwork, and review our findings to make sure that none of our readers fall prey to a scammy website, bad business, or just sub-par quality products ever again! Our ultimate goal is to make sure that, if you follow our recommendations, you can never go wrong. In the long run, we are also hoping that this process of honest reviews will force online marijuana retailers to up their game! Afterall, once we warn our reader base about a questionable site, their sales will suffer. In order to get profits back up again, they will have to start providing better products and service! This hope keeps us checking back on companies we’ve previously reviewed on a regular basis to make sure that everything we wrote in our initial review is still accurate. If it’s not, we simply update the review so that our readers always get the most up-to-date information available..

Sincerely yours,

Guy Sherman

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Eric John Horsey
Eric John Horsey
10 months ago

Very intriguing! I am retired military and suffer from pain and PTSD. I go to the VA in Augusta, GA, but that process has many issues.

I would like to try something I could possibly grow myself, that’s natural and non-addictive (which I know MJ is NOT).

I live in South Carolina on about 12acres of MY own land. I would REALLY appreciate any advice and help!
