Black Widow Seeds

Black Widow Strain Seeds

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Black Widow Seeds – Strain ID:

Black Widow bud

Type: Sativa-Dominant Hybrid
Cannabinoids: 24-28% THC (avg), 2% CBD
Terpenes: Pinene, Caryophyllene, Limonene
Effects: Happy, Relaxed, Calming
Landrace Strain: Brazilian Sativa x South–Indian Indica

Grow Difficulty: Easy
Harvest: 8-10 Weeks / 8-10 Weeks
Yield: 350-450g/㎡ / 600g per plant
Height: Over 6-Feet
(*Indoor / *Outdoor)

In the diverse world of cannabis cultivars, few names evoke as much intrigue and fascination as Black Widow. This enigmatic strain, renowned for its potency and unique characteristics, has captured the attention of connoisseurs and cultivators alike. Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the secrets behind the Black Widow cannabis strain.

About Black Widow Seeds


Black Widow is a hybrid strain that traces its lineage to two iconic cannabis varieties: Brazilian Sativa and South Indian Indica. This genetic combination results in a potent hybrid that exhibits traits from both parental lines.

The Brazilian Sativa contributes uplifting and cerebral effects, while the South Indian Indica imparts deep relaxation and physical sedation. The harmonious blending of these genetics gives rise to a well-balanced strain that offers a diverse array of effects.

Cannabinoid and Terpene Content

Black Widow is renowned for its robust cannabinoid profile, typically boasting high levels of THC ranging from 18% to 25%. This potent THC content makes it a favorite among users seeking intense psychoactive effects and therapeutic relief.

In terms of terpenes, Black Widow showcases a complex aroma profile characterized by earthy, floral, and spicy notes. Myrcene, caryophyllene, and pinene are among the dominant terpenes found in this strain, contributing to its distinctive fragrance and potential therapeutic properties.

Flavor Profile

Black Widow tantalizes the senses with a rich and nuanced flavor profile that reflects its diverse genetic heritage. Notes of earthiness, pine, and spice intertwine with subtle hints of sweetness, creating a multidimensional sensory experience that is both satisfying and captivating.

User Effects

The effects of Black Widow are renowned for their potency and versatility, catering to a wide range of preferences and occasions. Upon consumption, users may experience an initial surge of euphoria and mental clarity, accompanied by a heightened sense of focus and creativity.

As the effects deepen, a profound sense of relaxation and tranquility envelops the body, soothing muscles and easing tension. Black Widow’s balanced combination of cerebral stimulation and physical relaxation makes it suitable for both daytime and evening use, depending on individual tolerance and desired outcomes.

Cultivating Black Widow

Cultivating Black Widow can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor, requiring attention to detail and careful management of environmental factors. While this strain exhibits moderate resilience to pests and diseases, it thrives best in a controlled indoor environment where conditions such as temperature, humidity, and lighting can be carefully monitored and optimized.

Growing Conditions

The ideal growing climate for Black Widow mimics that of a Mediterranean region, with warm temperatures and low humidity levels. Indoor growers can expect flowering times ranging from 8 to 9 weeks, with outdoor cultivation yielding optimal results in temperate climates with ample sunlight.


Black Widow plants typically display a moderate height with robust branching and dense foliage, making them well-suited for various cultivation techniques such as pruning and trellising. With proper care and attention, growers can expect generous yields of resinous buds with potent psychoactive properties.

Black Widow stands as a formidable cannabis strain revered for its potency, versatility, and unique characteristics. Whether enjoyed for its therapeutic benefits or recreational indulgence, this hybrid cultivar continues to captivate enthusiasts worldwide with its irresistible allure and mystique.

Buy Black Widow Seeds:


Blimburn Black Widow Seeds

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ILGM Black Widow Seeds

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Crop King Seeds Logo

Crop King Seeds Black Widow Seeds

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WeedSeedsexpress Black Widow Seeds

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Cannabis Seed Index – A curated index of the world’s best cannabis seed strains. Each review contains vital information, such as cultivation tips, strain profiles, and where to buy the best cannabis seeds.

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